Driving traffic to your Salon’s website can feel a little like a maze for someone who isn’t very tech savvy, but with Pinterest on our side, I can show you how you can drive traffic to your salon’s website! Keep reading because this is happening for your salon’s website TODAY!!
When it comes to driving traffic to your salon’s website I am sure you are aware that the more locations your salon is listed to higher views you are going to get. With 75 Million US users every month you can’t afford NOT to take advantage of this FREE media platform!

This may seem shocking to you if you haven’t dipped your toe into the inspirational wonderland of Pinterest yet. I said many years ago to one of my friends that Pinterest had become my favorite search engine and she looked at me like I was NUTS! Then one day I was doing some research about how to start a blog and I stumbled on an incredible video by my now blogging mentor, Alex Nerney from Team Create and Go, about how to use Pinterest to create an AVALANCHE of traffic to your blog for FREE. He stated in this video a lot of facts and figures but there was one line that stuck with me because it was something I truly believed from my own personal experience….Pinterest is one of the most under-utilized traffic sources by online marketers!
I mean, I seriously would go to Pinterest to learn EVERYTHING! If you don’t know, I’m kind of a big nerd! I love to learn. I love to read recipes (super nerdy). I love to see things from a different perspective! Pinterest gave me all of this so I had already been an avid Pinterest user BUT had never considered how it could help my salon studio.
I think it is safe to say more than likely 100% of your clients have a social media account of some kind. Even more than likely your IDEAL target client you WANT in your chair has a social media profile somewhere around the internet. As of January 2018, Omnicore Agency reported that 30% of all US social media users are Pinterest users too and it turns out Millenials use their Pinterest as much as their Instagram account!
This means you have a 30% chance of landing in front of your ideal customer if you are featured on the platform Pinterest.
I know a lot of hairdressers LOVE to use Instagram for their salon’s marketing but get frustrated quickly when they aren’t receiving as much engagement and growing their following at the rate they want. This is one of the coolest of Pinterest’s features in my opinion…
When you post on Pinterest, it RE-POPULATES everytime someone pins it to their own boards!
If you aren’t a Pinterest user let me take a second to explain the basics. You start an account like any social media platform. You create a user name, select a profile picture and then write a little blurb about yourself. You have the option to link a website, you can create a Pinterest for business or simply use it as a personal account.
While setting up your profile, Pinterest will ask you what some of your interests are. This is used by Pinterest to show you targeted content. Now, it’s not as creepy as facebooks newest algorithm where if you think about buying a waffle maker and suddenly your facebook wall is showing you ads for waffle makers and waffle recipes. More like if you are into cars, it’s going to show you blog posts about cars, if you are into cooking you will see a ton of crazy good looking recipes, and if you are a salon owner…looking for more information about how to better run your salon…You will have education appearing before your eyes.
Now, this isn’t the only way you see content. You can follow certain people or boards that have a lot of content you like so you see their stuff all the time. You also create your own boards which become a file basically of inspiration or ideas for the future.
I will point out again that when something is posted on Pinterest, it never really fades away the way that it does when you post on Instagram and Facebook!
Your posts on Pinterest continue to repopulate through the searches when well, someone searches for relevant terms and every time someone reposts it to their own boards.
This is a VERY unique quality and one that you can use to your advantage.
You see Pinterest used to have no way of targeting a specific customer besides visually trying to catch the eye of someone. So, if you are wanting to attract a male viewer you could use pictures featuring men or with more masculine colors and vice versa.
Now that Pinterest has introduced the hashtag feature you know and love from our other favorite platform we have the ability to target cities and towns. Example: #LAhair #NYhairtrends #hairinhouston
Are you picking up what I am throwing down?!
Not only that, the typical Pinterest user probably fits pretty closely in with your ideal client’s profile being that 81% of users on Pinterest are Female, 67% are under the age of 40 and 10% of pinners have a household income of over $125K per year!
Part of having a website for your salon studio is your attempt to gain their trust before they step foot into your salon.
No matter how your potential customers have heard of you they ALL go online to look for proof that they should make an appointment. Hair is a very personal thing and high-quality customers are the type that does their homework.
I don’t know if you know this but about 87% of Pinners have purchased a product because of Pinterest. This means your clients are more than likely finding information about how to take care of their hair on Pinterest and making decisions based on what they are reading.
About 72% of Pinners use Pinterest to decide what to buy offline and YOU COULD BE ONE OF THEM!
You could be giving your advice in an article or blog post you share on Pinterest that links to your salon studio’s website and become the ULTIMATE expert for your salon guests!
Now, I will be honest, this was new to me once upon a time too! I mentioned my blogging mentor earlier and I am here to confess to you that MOST of what I have learned about using Pinterest came directly from a course I purchase from him!
That course was called Pinterest Traffic Avalanche (affiliate link) and not only have I used it to create a stream of traffic to my websites but I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone looking to jump on this FREE traffic train!!
A taste of what the course can bring you…I have received THOUSANDS of views to THIS website after only 2 months of being launched. About 160 people have joined my email list at the time this article has been posted and hundreds of people have followed up to join my Facebook community. Quite a good turn out with ZERO followers or exposure to begin with!
I truly believe you can turn any website around with the power of Pinterest and I have not spent a PENNY on marketing yet!
If you have any questions about Pinterest or about the Pinterest Traffic Avalanche course I have recommended in today’s post, I am more than happy to talk to you about it. Shoot me over a message from the contact me page and I will get back to you as soon as I can!
If you are needing help when it comes to learning how to speak to your ideal client or even if you aren’t sure who your ideal client is and creating goals for your business and actively working towards them, you should definitely check out my 5 Day Workshop, Attracting your Ideal Salon Clients and Mastering Momentum! I know this 5-day workshop will not only be used once but over and over as you and your business continue to evolve and uplevel!
Happy marketing Salon Studio Bosses!
Remember, not stopping is how you win!!