Yea…we are gonna get a little woo woo today and talk about manifesting your dream salon clientele with proper alignment. So this is like an, if you build it they will come kind of thing.
This is the kind of stuff that REALLY lights me up so get ready for a little tough love and a lot of motivation!!
When I talk to stylists and even when I look at how my own salon studio operated in the past, a lot of complaints come up surrounding client behaviour!
“My clients don’t respect my time and come strolling in15 minutes late with a fresh Starbucks in their hand!”
“A had another new client no show me!”
“My customers won’t buy retail from me because they can get it cheaper somewhere else!”
Do any of these sound like you or how your clientele behave sometimes?
I have been there and I know a lot of you reading this now are there too and I am ready to tell you its time for it to STOP!!
It’s time FOR YOU to stop settling for people treating you like you are less than.
See what I did there???
If your client has an issue with being late or sticking to their appointments then you HAVE to look inside and ask yourself if this is how you yourself are showing up!
I don’t mean, you are late all the time for your appointments or are a terrible person and you flake on people or inconvenience people. I don’t know… maybe you do do this and this IS IN FACT what I mean but SOMETIMES this is as simple as showing up for yourself.
If you have clients right now that are cancelling their appointments last minute maybe its because YOU DO THIS TO YOU TOO?
Your clients are a mirror.
You attract what you are.
You attract what you do.
Are you not showing up for yourself the way that you should be or when you say that you are going to?
Do you make a plan to do things for yourself but then drop it to be there for someone else?
This is how you align yourself with the type of clients you want in your salon.
THIS is exactly what we talked about in the Salon Client Alignment Workshop!
You show up the way you want your dream clients too!
I know, you probably need the money and that’s why you put up with this kind of crap BUT you can start the process of weeding through the goodies and the baddies and begin to figure out what do and don’t want!
For real it’s time for you to recognize that if you aren’t willing to show yourself as much respect as you are wanting others to show you…it’s going to be a long hard road for you, my friend!
As business owners, we are constantly being put in uncomfortable positions. Here is another truth bomb for you!
The conversations that you will need to have after you have made the decision to STOP accepting this treatment will be difficult! They will push you outside of your comfort zone and GUESS WHAT?! Some of your clients are going to leave and THAT is EXACTLY what you want!
Let me explain why before you freak out!
When you decide that you are done being the victim and become proactive about making changes and creating the kind of environment that you want to come to every day and work in, the right clients are going to start showing up!
You do have to have a little faith here!
I always thought if I wanted to make more money I would have to work SO MUCH harder. Like it was a lifting competition and the only way to winning was by constantly struggling!
The actual moment that I decided to sit down and make a list of the behaviours that some of my clients would do that I no longer would accept and began putting this to practice I started seeing new names pop up from random places. These clients didn’t just come in and replace the few clients I ended up losing with my new standards but they are such high-quality clients that have now filled my books with so much inspiration and joy!
When you are spending time on trying to make clients happy that leave you feeling drained and unappreciated, you have no energy to show up in a way that feels good for the clients that come in and make your job easy!
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could come into the salon every day and have a book full of our absolute favorite most easy clients we have?
We would leave work every day feeling energized and ready to spend good quality time with our friends and families. We would stop road raging our way to and from places. Maybe even meet some potential clients while we are out socializing with our money we are now making more of because our high-quality clients don’t ask for discounts and we CERTAINLY don’t give them!
Ideas for our businesses would FLOW from us like a river because we would be free of the heaviness of working for clients that, let’s face it, will NEVER be completely happy!
Take the responsibility of trying to change someone off of your shoulders!
We know we can’t change people! Why do we keep trying?!
Now I know a few of you are out there reading this still like…yea yea Rachel, I hear you but you just don’t understand MY circumstances!!
I have some news for you…YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL!
You’re problems, or excuses or stories you are telling yourself are not any different than anybody else’s. I promise!
We all have shit going on but it’s those that say I won’t let that stop me from trying that see true success.
I’m being SUPER serious!
Get out of your damn head and make a list right now of the actions that cause you to feel bad in your business. List it out and then start eliminating them!
If it’s you…then there ya go. If it’s from your clients, figure out what you need to do to make it feel better!
DON’T make the list and then become overwhelmed and then sit and pout about how its just too much and you don’t know where to start.
Ready to dive in even deeper?
If you are needing help when it comes to learning how to speak to your ideal client or even if you aren’t sure who your ideal client is and creating goals for your business and actively working towards them, you should definitely check out my 5 Day Workshop, Attracting your Ideal Salon Clients and Mastering Momentum! I know this 5-day workshop will not only be used once but over and over as you and your business continue to evolve and uplevel!
No time like the present…
Remember, not stopping is how you win!