In My Salon is a Salon Studio Academy. The only online advanced education platform for young entrepreneurs in the beauty industry specific to Salon Studio Owners!

Running a business is one of the most rewarding challenges one can decide to do. When we made the decision to start beauty school, some of us probably had the forward thinking of envisioning our future.

Some of us wanted to have flexibility in a career we loved making great money and spending our free time living extravagantly, other saw ourselves running a successful salon and mentoring other young beauty industry professionals and showing them how we achieved our success.

The truth is though, many of us are scraping by and beginning to “look at our options” outside of the industry to help supplement if not leave our dreams behind!

If you haven’t taken the necessary steps to educate yourself every step of the way throughout your career, chances are the visions you had at the beginning won’t come as easy as you thought, if ever at all!

Every single beauty industry professional has had this happen. The honest truth is that its part of our human condition. We go through moments of being inspired and it motivates us to push forward with our dreams. We go, go, go and then, usually right before we see major results we start to lose our consistency with our drive…unfortunate, leading us back into a slump!

Whether you are new to the industry or have decades of experience continuing your education is the most important thing you need to be doing. Continuing your education is exactly what keeps us in our motivated stage! Being motivated is exactly what you are missing if you are having trouble getting out of a rut or if you can feel one coming on!

Here at In My Salon, we know exactly how you feel and want to create a space for all beauty industry professionals to come to when they need a little motivation. If you need your mind expanded and to be pushed to think about something in a different way.

Visit our BLOG page to see what we are talking about this week or check out one of our classes in our Online Academy!

Take control of your career and get ready to ELEVATE YOUR BUSINESS and EXPAND YOUR MIND!!

Thank you for reading. If you have any requests for blog topics you want to learn more about, please leave any suggestions in the comments below!
