It’s absolutely not a secret in the beauty industry that hairstylist burnout is a real thing! Today we are gonna talk about how to stop it before it takes over your salon studio so that you can stay motivated to take action even when you’re not really feelin it!
There is nobody on this planet (even me) that ALWAYS has a positive mindset and never has a single moment of doubt or fear or just pure laziness. These are things we all feel from time to time so let’s take that “I’m the only one that goes through this” story off the table and put us all back in the same level!
Working in a salon studio is tough because on top of all the jobs of being a salon studio owner you have also decided to take on being your own daily motivator.
This can easily go one of two ways but with a few tips and tricks we can keep you free from hairstylist burnout and rolling down the yellow brick road with ease!
Being in a salon studio has one really unique perk. We are 1 of many salon studio’s usually all in one building or floor. You see being an entrepreneur can easily be a very lonely place. Often times you are making decisions all by yourself and at the beginning, you are usually broke and unsure. If you start off with the right mindset that the salon studio owners around you are your unspoken business partners you will have a much easier experience as an owner!
You are going to have the opportunity to ask questions to someone who has already done what you are doing and down the line, you will be able to bounce ideas off of each other and be a community of inspired stylists.
Having that community can really keep you motivated. Usually, there is always someone in the group complaining and someone in the group motivating. Be sure to NOT be the one complaining first of all. Second of all, stay as close as you can to the motivator and don’t forget to take on the roll from time to time.
People who are motivated are usually full of vision and take action on ideas they have and want to talk about it. This is so important for your motivation because when you spend a few minutes talking to someone who is actively working on something they are passionate about, that feeling rubs off on you.
You subconsciously become more motivated to start working on a new project too!
Let’s get a little real for a minute though. We all know that not all work environments are the same and there is a chance that you are surrounded by negative Nancy’s. Sorry if you are a Nancy…you know it’s not you! Or maybe it is…Maybe you are the negative Nancy of the group.
First of all, if you are the negativity in a group I want to say congratulations for being here and reading this. You are already one step closer to turning that around. Second, you MUST turn that shit around!
We are allowed to feel these emotions but we can’t simmer in them for too long. Feelings that are negative are healthy because they bring to the surface the fact that we have something to work on.
Taking a little quiet time to think about why we are feeling these negative emotions will help you learn about how you can change them. Maybe the something is completely irrational and what we need to work on is having faith in ourselves. Self-doubt is the biggest inspiration killer and it’s one that we all feel from time to time.
Do something that you know always cheers you up. For me, that is usually going on a really beautiful hike somewhere new or watching a really good movie. I instantly feel better after I have lunch with a friend that is someone who inspires me or simply read a good personal development book.
Let’s get back to staying away from BURNOUT!
The absolute best way you keep yourself from hairstylist burnout is to ALWAYS be working on something!
I’m gonna quickly go over the cycle that everyone goes through, I call this the cycle of inspiration!
When you first have an IDEA and are feeling inspired it gives you EXCITEMENT!
Excitement is what fuels you to EDUCATE yourself so you can LEARN more about MOTIVATE yourself to bring your idea to life!
Motivation is what leads you to TAKE ACTION on your idea.
This is where things usually start to take a turn. I can’t speak to every idea or person in the world but USUALLY, after we have spent the time learning and taking action on our big idea we start to lose some of the excitement we started off with. We have told our closest family and friends about our plans and some of them weren’t too impressed or maybe even downright negative about the idea.
This sparks a whole new kind of emotion and that is FEAR!
Criticism is inevitable and unfortunately a little like a poison that can creep into your mind and take over any amount of excitement and motivation around a project which leads us to our last part of the cycle, BURNOUT!
If you have ever followed a passion or done something a little different than the person next to you then you have probably felt this before. Being the person who follows her dreams or tries to pursue a path not walked often people around you tend to feel like they have a right to tell you how they feel about it.
Usually, it sounds a little something like this… “Do you really think you can do that?”, ” If it were possible don’t you think someone would have done it already?” Or my favorite “YOUR CRAZY”!
Some may even experience backlash from their friends, family and coworkers. For some reason, people are intimidated by someone doing something good for themselves.
The worst part is, often times we start to feel most of this negativity when we are starting to struggle ourselves. Maybe we took a risk and it didn’t pay off. We turn to our loved ones for support and encouragement and are slapped in the face with a “I told you so!”.
It is very difficult to learn how to shut out the little voices but the trick is to figure out how to stay away from anyone who tries to bring us down.
It took me a long time to realize it but these are just small signs from people who are never going to positively feed your creativity. Once you start to notice these behaviours from people around you, you will quickly realize who are the motivators and who are the negative Nancy’s!
Protecting your energy is a crucial part of being an innovator because it’s one of the only things we can control in life!
If you are working on a bigger picture then you always have something to learn or research or actively get done and this will keep you in a state of motivation or that happy place between learning and taking action.
Every day when you wake up quickly RE-write out the vision you have for your project and what you need to get done right now to be working on it.
Now you have your TAKE ACTION to-do list for the day.
A few small steps every day will keep you working towards reaching your goal and a person who is actively working on something bigger feels like they are contributing to the greater good!
The feeling of accomplishment is so great you will always be sure you are the motivator of your salon studio network and any feelings of hairstylist burnout will become easier and easier to stay away from!
If you are needing help when it comes to learning how to speak to your ideal client or even if you aren’t sure who your ideal client is and creating goals for your business and actively working towards them, you should definitely check out my 5 Day Workshop, Attracting your Ideal Salon Clients and Mastering Momentum! I know this 5-day workshop will not only be used once but over and over as you and your business continue to evolve and uplevel!