If you have been following along my last few posts, by now you should be asking yourself how to start a beauty blog. A beauty blog is the #1 way I recommend to drive traffic to your beauty website AND instantly turn yourself into a expert in your niche and in this post I am telling walking you through the steps!
Just like building your own website and learning how set up your email marketing funnels, starting a beauty blog isn’t very difficult once you have the basics set up and a general understanding of what you want to do with your blog.
When I decided to start blogging I actually started with a health blog. I was in the best shape of my life after losing 60lbs. and I had people all around me asking me how I did it. I had recently taken the course on building a website that I have mentioned before and realized I should put all of these lessons I’ve learned to use on the business I was currently in!
So, my beauty blog was born!
Since my first month after launching my beauty blog the traffic has doubled and I’ve learned an uncountable amount of lessons along the way. Even more
My last couple posts walked you through why you should build your own website and how to set it on semi-autopilot keeping your days free to work in your business not on it. I last left off on how starting a blog can give you the consistent quality content that google and other platforms want to see from a website to hack your way to the top of the first page of search engines and social media platforms.
If you haven’t read those I recommend starting with Why You Should Build and Operate Your Own Salon Website and then read How To Set Your Salon’s Website On Semi-Automatic.
Now that we are all caught up, let’s walk you through your new Beauty blog!
There are basics to blogging that I am going to walk you through today:
– Finding your niche
– Writing a post
– Sharing on Social Media
– Consistency
– Analyzing your Stats
Let’s not waste any time here and just dig in…
Finding your Niche
The beauty industry is no different than any other industry in that there are many sub niches within the main beauty umbrella. There is cutting for both men and women, there is hair coloring which sets apart from blonding which has a few niches within itself even. High lighting, balayaging, corrective colors…the list is endless.
If you already have a pretty established brand you probably already know what your niche is. If you don’t I recommend NOT starting out with general beauty but narrowing it down to a couple different sub categories.
The reason I do not recommend general beauty is because it is too broad. You want to have a specific person you are speaking to and have a theme of advice you are giving.
Maybe start with what you know the most about or something that interests you the most. If you are highly interested in the topics you are going to be writing about you will naturally have more enthusiasm in your writing style. Trust me this shows!

Writing a post
This is probably going to be the longest part of this post because there is just so much to cover here.
When you go to write your first blog post I want to remind you that nobodies first posts are that great. Every single person feel self-conscious or like they haven’t put enough into it. If this isn’t how you feel, maybe you want to make sure you have actually put enough into it!
Do not get stuck on perfection!
A post is better serving you un-perfectly put out into the world rather sitting in draft mode on your computer. Another key point is that, you can edit your post even after you’ve posted it. I actually don’t think I’ve ever not edited a post after hitting publish. I am also very far from perfect!
So, now that you have your niche, its time to figure out what your first post will be about. My favorite way of figuring this out is to go over to Pinterest and do a quick search for your niche and see what comes up.
This will not only give you some inspiration for what to write about but slowly start teaching yourself the type of topics that people like to read.
Once you have a topic its time to write your title.
Your title should be interesting and not too simple. Remember back to your research and think about the way others titled their posts. Chances are you saw very little posts that looked like, “Blonde hair article” and something more along the line of “How to care for your Blonde Hair at Home!”.
In this example we used the same key word or topic, “Blond Hair” but used more interesting words to help entice the viewers to read. Chances are someone with blonde hair would look at that and say to themselves, I have blonde hair I should read this article to learn how to care for it.
An even better examples something like, “Are You Taking Care of Your Blonde Hair Properly?”. See how that titles makes the viewer question themselves. This person now feels challenged and now is thinking, I think so…am I?
Now that you have your title figured out its time to write the body of your post.
This should include a few things and hit a couple of points.
Firstly, your posts should be between 800-2000 words. It could be longer and shorter by a bit but I recommend breaking your post up into two if it is too much longer. People get tired of reading if it is too long no matter how much amazing info is in it. This also gives you more posts at the end of the day lightening your load!
If it is too short, you aren’t being as engaging. Which brings me to my next point.
Be engaging in your beauty blog! Tell a story about how you relate to this topic or how the solution you are giving to the problem the reader has, has helped you in the past in the same way it could help them. This builds trust on the topic and trust is literally your number one goal!
Always start your blog posts out with a brief introduction to what your post is going to be about. After you do this is usually when I go into how I relate to this and then after that we get into the meat of the post. So proof the statement you made in the title, find solutions to the problems you claimed you would help with…etc.
You can honestly look back on any single
I also like doing this because it shows me that even the leaders in the category mess up while they are speaking sometimes and go off topic or have bad days but still show up!
Sharing on Social Media
Now that your post is written it is time to hit publish and share with the world! How do you get viewers to your new blog post you are so proud of? You need to tell people about it. This is where your email list you started growing when you built your website comes in handy!
Send out an email broadcast giving people a little glimpse of whats in the blog post to build anticipation. You can use this same content to post on Instagram, Facebook and OF COURSE Pinterest!
Share it everywhere you can and if the platform allows you to keep sharing the new content on your beauty blog. Don’t spam your viewers on
Every social media platform has a different viewer. On facebook, there are private groups you can share your post in and get re-shares and have great conversation after a wordy post about the article.
On instagram though, people care so much more about the image you are posting. On platforms like instagram though you have MULTIPLE ways of sharing. You can do the post and then you can also do a story about it. I recommend waiting a few hours before you post your story about it and show up to announce the article, mention a little teaser about what its inside that they just HAVE to click over and read!
Make sure you save your story to a highlight so that it stays on your page longer th
If you do not have a big following, I still recommend sharing your posts on Facebook and Instagram. You never know when your followers will grow and you don’t want to be posting old articles too much when you do. Not to mention this is the kind of quality content those platforms are looking for.
Let’s do a quick dive into Pinterest. If you do not have a following on any of the other social media platforms Pinterest should be your best friend. It is so easy to reach a very wide array of quality viewers (whats a quality viewer? We’ll get there soon).
Remember how I mentioned your story only lasting 24 hours on Instagram? Well on Pinterest when you post a pin you literally put it into a never-ending cycle of traffic. Granted, if it isn’t a great pin it won’t get great traffic but just like writing blog posts, practice makes perfect and perfect!
For a way deeper dive into Pinterest, click on over to my post How to use Pinterest to Drive Traffic to your Salon Studio’s Website.ost!>
If you have ever tried to grow a following on any social media platform then you know consistency is key!
When you are building any kind of brand you want to appear in your targeted
Maybe you just thought to yourself, well I don’t have a product and I am not trying to get them to purchase anything. WRONG!
Your blog post is your product and purchasing in this instance means clicking onto it, reading it and then ultimately handing over their email addresses essentially saying “Yes! Please send me more content like this”.
Posting on your blog consistently is so important because you want your viewer to start anticipating that they will be getting something from you. I know subconsciously I will be getting something from specific blogs I follow on certain days and when I don’t get something

It seems harsh but it is just the truth! I was very inconsistent with this blog for a long time because I wasn’t as prepared as I should have been when I launched. I have done pretty well still BUT imagine how much further I would be. I say this to point out really quick nothing will BREAK
I highly recommend before you launch your blog you write a few posts and keep them in draft mode for a rainy day. I promise you there will come a time when you get sick or go out of town or life just happens and you find yourself with nothing written on a day you are supposed to be posting!
Analyzing your Stats
I know I have mentioned many times in the past that I LOVE numbers. I always said it was why I was so good at formulating color from the very beginning of my career. I can visualize what different fractions of
Now that I am also a beauty blogger I have quenched my thirst for numbers with my analytics. Every social media platform has a section somewhere for you to see the analytics of your account. If it’s not built in or you feel like it isn’t accurate there are always other software that also includes them for you.
I love checking my analytics for Pinterest on Tailwind because not only do I feel it is more accurate but it is more in depth.
Software companies really want you to be successful with their product so most of them have given that portion a lot of attention. Especially because they are usually big nerds themselves. Look into the software or social media platform that you are using to analyze your stats to try and find a tutorial on how to read it. They are all SOOO different and sometimes even use different terms.
What I want to point out to you today in analyzing your stats is checking into
I have created easy printable planner pages that include a spot for your to track your online stats. This is an really great way of integrating the habits into your day easily. These pages also have a checklist including the steps you should be taking every time you post something, whether it be a blog post or a social media post and a place to list your clients of the day, marketing ideas, track your revenue in the salon as well as online and a brain dump section for the days, weeks and months ahead. These instant download printables that are available to you here in my Etsy shop.
Doing this will help you figure out what topics to keep posting more about. Sometimes this will surprise you because a post you put so much time and energy into doesn’t actually get the response you were expecting.
By checking out the referrers you can clearly see what platform you should be putting the most energy into!
CONGRATS! You are now have a beauty blog!!
OK, maybe you need to actually do these steps and not just read them BUT now you are 5 steps ahead of where I was before I started my beauty blog! If you have any questions about the info in this post or if something isn’t clear enough, please comment below so I can answer that for you!
Thanks so much for reading!