Today we are going over the 5 Common Myth’s people have about Salon Studio Success that most owners don’t talk about.

Before I accepted that these 5 common myth’s were not going to be true without lots of hard work, patience and perseverance I was going through the motions of being a salon studio owner but I wasn’t seeing the success I was hoping for.

I thought my business was set up well and it seemed pretty self sufficient and I put my money on it would be fine just slowly growing…organically!

Pfft…who else has this business plan?!

I realized one day when I was knee deep in debt and barely paying my bills that having this mindset was more the path to burn out and fade away then to living a life on my own terms and having really salon studio success!

Let’s go ahead and talk through the 5 common myth’s about salon studio success and then we will break down the key to turning it all around.

1. We are rolling in the dough!! – Let’s face it, it really does take money to make money and the beauty industry is known as a very profitable business but people never consider the cost to run.

2. New clients are flooding your books everyday! – As salon studio owners MOST of us don’t have a street facing store front where people come in and check us out. We put effort into every person who steps in and we have to put effort into getting them back just the same!

3. We can work whenever we want! – If this was true, in any industry, would anybody really ever work?! Yea we have more control working for ourselves than for someone else but if you let that be your mindset and took off any day you felt like you would never, ever, hit your goals!

4. We are perfectly organized! – This is more untrue than anybody wants to admit! Most of us weren’t drawn to hairdressing for our organizational skills. Or our book keeping and inventory capabilities!

5. Success comes easy and life is always good! – I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth and it never rains when I have a parade!

So, you may be feeling a little over whelmed now and maybe you are thinking, “Man, what did I get myself into?”. I am here to tell you though that running a successful salon studio is totally within reach.

Running a Salon Studio can be very profitable when you do it properly but most hairdressers are falling short in many categories of running their salon studio’s and they are losing money faster then they are making up for it.

If you don’t fall into the category of very profitable it may be time to do a little self audit.

Are you putting in effort to market yourself? Are you investing enough into the right parts of your business? Are you holding yourself accountable? Being aware of your numbers and how you are running your salon studio is the first step to gaining control of your money!

Rarely do we get a “walk-in” or a real out of the blue new client and it may seem like a curse of the salon studio owner at the time but trust me walk-ins are a waist of your time anyways! When you put energy into each new client that sits in our chairs we work that much harder to please them and keep them coming back. The type of client that just walks into a new salon having done no research or asked for recommendations is a client that will quickly leave you for someone else.

To learn more about how to grow your clientele with an  EXCEPTIONAL customer experience!

If clients are flooding your books it is probably rightfully so but remember that this is an earned right not a given and take note of where to put your efforts!

Ok fine, we make our own hours…We cater to the general public, people! We are probably coming in earlier if its more convenient for our clients, or staying later.

When did you last take a real vacation? We even squeeze people in and skip lunch and then go days where we have big gaps in our books for doing it. Our mindset about how we respect our own time sets the tone for how our clients do. We may have to work outside of when we want sometimes but how we schedule ourselves in those hours is up to us entirely.

A large percentage of us are skating by letting our booking systems keep track of our clients information and business numbers.

Hire a tax guy in April and call it a day! I promise you if this is how you are running your salon studio you will be closing your doors within 3-5 years! You have to have a more thorough understanding of where your business stands and the only way to do that is by getting organized! You can also use my Printable Annual Tax form available on Etsy to help!

Remember when we were at our last big salon, working for someone else and letting them take care of the boring grunt work, exceeding all expectations and life was good….the amount of work that goes into running a successful salon studio is the part nobody wants to talk about.

It requires stepping outside of your comfort zone and doing things you don’t want to do or sometimes have never had to do before.

If you are needing help when it comes to learning how to speak to your ideal client or even if you aren’t sure who your ideal client is and creating goals for your business and actively working towards them, you should definitely check out my 5 Day Workshop, Attracting your Ideal Salon Clients and Mastering Momentum! I know this 5-day workshop will not only be used once but over and over as you and your business continue to evolve and uplevel!

Thanks so much for reading for reading BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE!

NOW go out and do the damn thing!
